These baby brown snakes may look harmless but are just as venomous as an adult. With a distinct black marking on the head and collar they hatch at around 15cm in length and are generally light brown to orange. They feed on small lizards, frogs and insects. They can...
(Pseudonaja textilis) Classed as the second most venomous land snake in the world and also the most common snake found in South Australia. Also known as the common brown snake it has adapted well to our natural environment. It is known to visit many backyard’s...
As the weather warms up, snakes become more active and can pose a threat to curious and playful pets. It is important that pet owners safeguard their pets from snake bites and look out for the warning signs should an animal be bitten. Dogs will often chase and attempt...
(Pseudechis porphyriacus) The second most common snake found in and around The Adelaide Hills and metro area. It has a glossy appearance in black with an underbelly colour ranging from bright red to pink or orange, even sometimes with no apparent colour. The Red...